Communicating Mexico
We deliver the service you require with state-of-the-art technology and unbeatable quality
Accommodation (Placement)
We offer through turnkey solutions the space you need to host servers, critical data and applications in facilities_cc3b95-bb95-bb917 -136bad5cf58d_carrier-grade (Carrier-grade Data Center). We provide rack space with high security, electrical energy, bandwidth, connectivity with other operators and cooling so that your installation is successful.
Managed services
Our experts advise you and provide the services to monitor all the infrastructure housed in our facilities. Managed services are based on standard and fully scalable platforms, reaching support for operation and review of infrastructure, preventing failures before they happen. All services, applications and equipment are network based.
Disaster Recovery
We create practical disaster recovery plans (DRP) with you and evaluate the risks that make sense for your business so that the DRP fits your_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_budget. Prepare for any eventuality that may affect the technological infrastructure, reducing the time to return the computer operation to normal.
Access your information through our private, public or hybrid cloud services. We guide you step by step so that you adopt your operation in the Cloud, no matter how complex your security requirements are when accessing information. We effectively cooperate in any migration on critical platforms integrating to work teams from multiple providers.